Mason Makes Money Radio is hosted by Candace Okin
Brought to you by Mason Makes Money Fund!

Celebrating Financial Literacy Month with a four part radio series talking about money management in a family friendly way!

April 8th - 29th
11:00am (cst)


APRIL 8 - Manage Money like a Boss - We're kicking off our four part radio series by discussing how to manage money! It's important no matter what you're doing, but it's especially important for entrepreneurs!

APRIL 15 - Budget Like a Boss - Ground zero of money management is budgeting! Budgeting is a plan that you make for the money you earn, and the money you're going to spend. Learn all this and more on this episode of Mason Makes Money Radio!

APRIL 22 - Spend Like a Boss - A true boss spends money like one! That means being smart and strategic with how you spend. Tune in to learn how to spend money like a boss!

APRIL 29 - Think Like a Boss - It's important to have a winning mindset. We leave you with words of encouragement and power to help you think like a boss!